Finding Your Grip: Tips for Women's Golf Grip

Women golfers often face unique challenges when it comes to finding the right grip for their game. A proper golf grip is essential for control, accuracy, and overall performance on the course. In this article, we will discuss the importance of a proper golf grip, different types of golf grips, steps to achieve the perfect grip, and common mistakes to avoid. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned golfer, these tips will help you improve your game and take your skills to the next level.

A beautiful golf course, with a body of water


Understanding the Importance of a Proper Golf Grip

One of the key factors in a successful golf swing is the grip. The grip is the only physical connection a golfer has with the club, and it plays a crucial role in generating power, consistency, and control. A proper golf grip allows the golfer to maintain a firm yet relaxed hold on the club throughout the swing, leading to more accurate shots and greater distance. It helps to align the clubface correctly at impact and promotes a smooth, fluid swing motion.

The Connection Between Your Grip and Your Swing

Your grip directly affects the position of the clubface at impact, which in turn determines the direction of your shots. A weak grip, where the hands are turned too far clockwise on the club, tends to promote a slice. On the other hand, a strong grip, where the hands are turned too far counterclockwise, can lead to a hook. Finding the balance between these two extremes is crucial for a consistent ball flight and optimal shot shaping.

How a Good Grip Enhances Control and Accuracy

Aside from influencing the direction of your shots, a good grip enhances your control over the club throughout the swing. It allows you to maintain a consistent grip pressure, preventing the club from slipping or twisting during the swing. This stability promotes a solid strike and allows you to maintain control over the clubface, leading to more accurate shots. Additionally, a proper grip promotes better hand and wrist action, enabling you to generate more clubhead speed and power.

A proper golf grip also has a significant impact on your shot trajectory. By having a neutral grip, where the hands are neither turned too far clockwise nor counterclockwise, you can achieve a more desirable ball flight. This neutral grip allows for a square clubface at impact, resulting in straighter shots with a consistent trajectory.

Another aspect to consider when it comes to the importance of a proper golf grip is the comfort it provides. A grip that is too tight can lead to tension in your hands, arms, and shoulders, which can negatively affect your swing. Conversely, a grip that is too loose can cause the club to slip or twist, leading to inconsistent shots. By finding the right balance of grip pressure, you can ensure a comfortable and controlled swing, allowing you to focus on your technique and execution.

A proper golf grip can also help prevent common swing faults. With a correct grip, you are less likely to have an open or closed clubface at impact, reducing the chances of hitting a slice or a hook. It also promotes a more natural release of the club through impact, preventing the dreaded "flip" or "chicken wing" motion that can result in inconsistent strikes.

The importance of a proper golf grip cannot be overstated. It directly affects the direction, control, accuracy, and comfort of your shots. By understanding the connection between your grip and your swing and practicing the correct grip technique, you can improve your overall golf game and enjoy greater success on the course.

A woman wearing a dark bue skirt and long-sleeved shirt, swinging a golf club


Different Types of Golf Grips

When it comes to golf grips, there are three main types that players can choose from: the interlocking grip, the overlapping grip, and the baseball grip. Each grip offers its own set of advantages and disadvantages, making it crucial for golfers to select the one that best suits their hand size, flexibility, and personal preference.

The Interlocking Grip

The interlocking grip is a popular choice for golfers with smaller hands or shorter fingers. This grip involves interlocking the pinky finger of the trailing hand (right hand for right-handed golfers) with the index finger of the lead hand (left hand for right-handed golfers). By creating this connected hold on the club, golfers can enjoy a secure grip that promotes better control and stability throughout their swing.

The Overlapping Grip

Also known as the Vardon grip, the overlapping grip is widely favored by professional golfers for its balance of comfort and control. In this grip, the pinky finger of the trailing hand rests on top of the index finger of the lead hand, allowing for a solid hold on the club while enabling increased wrist action and maneuverability. Many golfers appreciate the feel and consistency that the overlapping grip provides during their shots.

The Baseball Grip

For beginners or individuals dealing with hand arthritis, the baseball grip offers a simpler alternative. This grip mimics the way one would hold a baseball bat, with both hands kept separate and no interlocking or overlapping involved. While the baseball grip may not offer the same level of control as the interlocking or overlapping grips, it does allow for greater flexibility in the hands and wrists, making it a suitable choice for those looking to minimize strain during their swings.

Steps to Achieve the Perfect Golf Grip

Positioning Your Hands Correctly

Start by placing the grip diagonally across the fingers of your lead hand (left hand for right-handed golfers) with the clubface square to the target. The grip should rest at the base of your fingers, just above the palm. Wrap your fingers around the grip and ensure that your lead thumb is pointing toward the target.

Next, place your trailing hand (right hand for right-handed golfers) on the grip, positioning it so that the knuckles and lifeline of your hand rest on top and slightly to the right of the grip. The thumb of your trailing hand should be slightly to the left of the center of the grip.

Once you have positioned your hands correctly, it's important to understand the role of each hand in the grip. Your lead hand is responsible for controlling the clubface and providing stability, while your trailing hand provides power and control during the swing. By positioning your hands correctly, you set yourself up for a solid foundation and better control over your shots.

Applying the Right Amount of Pressure

A common mistake many golfers make is gripping the club too tightly. This excessive tension can restrict the natural wrist hinge and lead to a lack of control and consistency. Instead, aim for a grip pressure that is firm yet relaxed. Imagine holding a tube of toothpaste; you want to apply enough pressure to prevent it from slipping, but not so much that it squeezes out all at once.

Another aspect to consider when applying pressure is the difference between your lead hand and your trailing hand. Your lead hand should have a slightly firmer grip compared to your trailing hand. This allows for better control and helps maintain a square clubface at impact. Experiment with different pressure levels to find the right balance that works for you.

Checking Your Grip Alignment

Once you have positioned your hands correctly and applied the right amount of pressure, it's crucial to check your grip alignment. Stand behind the ball and look down the line of play to ensure that the V formed between your thumb and index finger of both hands points towards your trailing shoulder (right shoulder for right-handed golfers). This alignment promotes a square clubface position at impact and helps prevent excessive hand manipulation during the swing.

Additionally, pay attention to the alignment of your grip in relation to the clubface. The leading edge of the clubface should be parallel to the grip. This alignment ensures that the clubface is square to the target and minimizes the chances of slicing or hooking the ball. Take the time to double-check your grip alignment before each shot to maintain consistency and accuracy in your swing.

Common Mistakes in Golf Grips and How to Avoid Them

Gripping Too Tightly or Too Loosely

As mentioned earlier, gripping the club too tightly can lead to tension and restrict your swing motion. On the other hand, gripping the club too loosely can result in a lack of control and stability. Aim to find a grip pressure that allows for a comfortable yet secure hold on the club, enabling you to maintain control throughout the swing.

It's important to note that finding the right grip pressure may vary from player to player. Some golfers prefer a firmer grip for added stability, while others find success with a lighter grip that promotes a smoother swing. Experiment with different grip pressures during your practice sessions to discover what works best for your game. Remember, the key is to strike a balance that allows you to maintain control without sacrificing fluidity in your swing.

Incorrect Hand Positioning

Another common mistake is incorrect hand positioning on the grip. Ensure that your lead hand is in a strong position, with the club running diagonally across your fingers and the thumb pointing toward the target. The trailing hand should be positioned on top and slightly to the right of the grip, with the thumb slightly to the left of the center. This proper hand positioning promotes a neutral clubface position and allows for a consistent and repeatable swing.

Pay attention to the alignment of your hands with the clubface. Proper hand positioning not only affects your grip but also plays a significant role in controlling the clubface through impact. By aligning your hands correctly on the grip, you can better square the clubface at impact, leading to improved accuracy and distance control in your shots.

Inconsistent Grip from Shot to Shot

Consistency is key in golf, and maintaining a consistent grip from shot to shot is crucial for producing predictable results. Take the time to develop a routine for gripping the club, ensuring that you position your hands correctly, apply the right amount of grip pressure, and check your alignment before every shot. By establishing a consistent grip, you will develop muscle memory and increase your ability to reproduce a consistent swing motion.

Consider incorporating pre-shot routines that include a focus on your grip. Visualize your hand positioning, feel the grip pressure you intend to apply, and ensure that your hands are working together seamlessly. Consistency in your grip will not only enhance your swing mechanics but also instill confidence in your ability to execute each shot with precision.


Finding the right grip is an essential part of a golfer's game, regardless of gender. Women golfers, in particular, may face unique challenges due to hand size and flexibility. By understanding the importance of a proper grip, exploring different grip options, and following the steps to achieve the perfect grip, women golfers can enhance their control, accuracy, and overall performance on the course. 

Avoiding common grip mistakes and focusing on maintaining a consistent grip will lead to improved consistency, distance, and ultimately, lower scores. So, take the time to find your perfect grip and watch your game reach new heights. Happy golfing!